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2023 Next Gen Stars

Next Gen Awards, BIPOC, scholarship reception

Next Gen 2024 Fall Reception

Join ChangeLawyers for a fall reception to celebrate the 2024 1L scholars. This is a community event meant to promote first gen law students and lawyers.

Closing 2024

Leaders Forum

Protected: Closing & Level Up Fireside

Congratulations Fellows!! As part of your Legal Leaders Fellowship, the State Bar and ChangeLawyers will offer a series of practical skills webinars throughout the length of your fellowship. This closing session will allow you to share back what you’ve learned with your cohort fellows, and offer an exclusive fireside chat about how to navigate your public interest career. The talk will include practical tips on how to spot opportunities, negotiate for yourself, and move into leadership roles.

Mindfulness for Lawyers

Leaders Forum

Mindfulness for Lawyers

The purpose of this session is to explore how mindfulness practices can be applied by lawyers and advocates in the context of the ongoing racial reckoning. Law and policy are important venues where racial justice battles are waged, but they do not bypass the need for the internal, personal work that still needs to happen. Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can be used to begin the conversation. Mindfulness is rooted in ancient Eastern traditions that are slowly coming into the Western mainstream. The benefits of a consistent practice can be transformative for individuals. When done collectively, mindfulness has the potential for societal transformation as well. This session will provide an introduction to mindfulness for absolute beginners and will pivot into a lengthy, guided meditation on understanding one’s own place in eliminating the hierarchy of human value based on race and other characteristics.

Project Management 101

Leaders Forum

Project Management 101

This workshop will provide a broad overview of case management and issue spotting aimed at new attorneys and law students preparing for practice. Attendees will learn tips for client communication, issue spotting in a legal aid context, and different case management strategies.

Trauma 101

Leaders Forum

Trauma 101

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the amount of trauma your clients go through? You’re not alone! This kind of stress can lead to career burnout for legal professionals. This is particularly true for those of us working in public interest. At a time when so many of us are looking to heal and manage stress, this workshop will teach individuals how to better identify signs of burnout within yourself and develop a practice of healing second hand trauma.

Welcome 2024

Leaders Forum

Protected: Welcome & Values Fireside

Welcome summer fellows! As part of your Legal Leaders Fellowship, the State Bar and ChangeLawyers will offer a series of practical skills webinars throughout the length of your fellowship. This welcome session will allow you to meet the rest of your cohort, and offer an exclusive fireside chat about owning your value as a new public interest lawyer. The talk will include practical tips on how to stop questioning your competence and grow your confidence.

Next Gen Awards

Next Gen 2024 Spring Reception

Interviewing 101

Leaders Forum, Legal Skills, Own Your Career

Issue Spotting & Case Management

This workshop will provide a broad overview of case management and issue spotting aimed at new attorneys and law students preparing for practice. Attendees will learn tips for client communication, issue spotting in a legal aid context, and different case management strategies.

Illustration of a court room

Leaders Forum, Legal Skills, Own Your Career

Oral Advocacy 101

Oral advocacy typically receives less attention than writing, even though it is just as crucial for competent legal representation in all areas of practice. Topics covered in this class will include the goals of oral argument (and what oral argument is not for), tips for preparing for oral argument, and strategies for effectively presenting an oral argument. From appropriate demeanor to responding to questions from the bench, learn how to improve your oral advocacy skills to better serve your clients. This workshop is part of Leaders Forum Legal Skills Series, a joint collaboration between ChangeLawyers + John Paul Stevens Foundation.

Illustration of books

Leaders Forum, Legal Skills, Own Your Career

Legal Writing 101 (2024)

Legal writing is often overlooked in law school, and yet it is one of the most crucial skills for new, first generation lawyers. This class will teach you strategies for persuasive and accessible legal writing, including writing for the busy reader, easy approaches for starting briefs, and how to write in a team. From cleaning up your grammar to avoiding legalese, learn how better writing helps your clients by helping your judge. Join us for the writing training you didn't get in law school, but wish you had. This workshop is part of Leaders Forum Legal Skills Series, a joint collaboration between ChangeLawyers + John Paul Stevens Foundation.

Leaders Forum Summer Series, dei, diversity, equity, inclusion, mindfulness

Mindfulness + DEI

The purpose of this session is to explore how mindfulness practices can be applied by lawyers and advocates in the context of the ongoing racial reckoning. Unfortunately, now that three years have passed since his death, George Floyd’s name is fading from the public consciousness. But his death sounded a bell that cannot be unrung and so it is up to all of us to carry on the work. Law and policy are important venues where racial justice battles are waged, but they do not bypass the need for the internal, personal work that still needs to happen. Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can be used to begin the conversation. Mindfulness is rooted in ancient Eastern traditions that are slowly coming into the Western mainstream. The benefits of a consistent practice can be transformative for individuals. When done collectively, mindfulness has the potential for societal transformation as well. This session will provide an introduction to mindfulness for absolute beginners and will pivot into a lengthy, guided meditation on understanding one’s own place in eliminating the hierarchy of human value based on race and other characteristics.

Financial Statements

Leaders Forum Summer Series, financial planning, public interest

Money & Your Career

Whether you plan to pursue a position in public service or Big Law, open your own practice, or follow any other professional path, there is more to consider than just your starting salary. During this event, an Accredited Financial Counselor® from AccessLex Institute® will discuss making informed career decisions that consider pay, benefit packages, taxation, and cost of living.


Leaders Forum Summer Series, dei, diversity, equity, inclusion, meditation, mindfulness

Guided Meditation (4 part series)

Christopher Punongbayan is the Executive Director of California ChangeLawyers, a community foundation whose mission is to build a better justice system for all Californians. ChangeLawyers empowers the next generation of legal changemakers through grants and scholarships totaling $1M+ annually. Over the last twenty years, Chris has gained deep experience in social justice issues. He profoundly believes in giving voice to the unheard, breaking down barriers, and creating strategic alliances to advance equity. Prior to joining ChangeLawyers, Chris was the executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus and held positions in a number of nonprofit organizations in California and New York. He was formerly the Vice-Chair of the California Asian & Pacific Islanders Affairs Commission and the San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission.

Financial Statements

Leaders Forum Summer Series, financial planning, public interest

Financial Planning for Public Interest Careers

A legal career in public service comes with unique demands on your cashflow each month. Join an Accredited Financial Counselor® from AccessLex Institute® to learn about utilizing income-driven repayment plans for federal student loans and pursuing Public Service Loan Forgiveness, all while maintaining a realistic insurance plan and investing program to fund your future.

Person speaking in front of an audience

Leaders Forum Summer Series, dei, diversity, equity, imposter syndrome, inclusion, mindfulness

Owning Your Value

This 90 min program + 30 min discussion will explore self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome as: (1) Forms of internalized bias common among historically-excluded and otherwise marginalized individuals; and (2) Obstructions to true confidence. Through this talk, we will explore what Imposter Syndrome is, why individuals and organizations in general should care about it (including its connection to inclusion, performance, presence, and wellness), and how and why it uniquely manifests for those in certain roles and professions and the historically-excluded. We will normalize this often-hidden barrier to belonging and explore how it does not preclude professional success and excellence, in part by noting role models who have struggled with and overcome Imposter Syndrome. This talk will empower individuals of all levels, identities, backgrounds, and experiences with actionable tactics to bust Imposter Syndrome and will inspire them to courageously engage with this common challenge in order to see the true and unique value they bring to their organization and profession.

Leaders Forum, dei, diversity, equity, inclusion, meditation, mindfulness

Mindfulness for Lawyers (4 part series)

Ever wonder what meditation is really all about? Are you looking for New Year’s resolutions that improve your health and wellness? Come join a series of events beginning in January 2023 where you can learn and practice meditation. This is an exclusive offering for members of the ChangeLawyers community: present scholars or fellows, alumni, and grantee partners. Absolute beginners welcome. This introductory series will cover such topics as the physical and mental health benefits of a consistent meditation practice; introduction to breathwork; and cultivating wholesome and skillful states of mind. Sessions will run on Thursdays for the entire month of January from 11:30am to 12:30pm Pacific time (January 5, 12, 19, and 26). Participants are encouraged to join the entire series but are welcome to drop in when they can.


Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges

SCOTUS in 2023

Hosted by ChangeLawyers, ACS Bay Area, and Equal Justice Society. What can we expect from the conservative legal movement in 2023? And what can be done to prepare ourselves for the most likely outcome? The overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022 was just the beginning. In 2023, the conservative legal movement will have plenty of opportunities to further unravel our rights, including rolling back LGBTQ+ rights and overturning election results— among other potentially explosive decisions. Our panelists will discuss the most alarming cases of 2023, and offer solutions to counter the radical conservative legal movement.

Abortion protest in front of the Supreme Court, Bettmann : Getty

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges

The End of Affirmative Action

Hosted by ChangeLawyers, ACS Bay Area, and Equal Justice Society. In 2022, a newly radical Supreme Court shocked our country by undoing decades of precedent. Up next? Stripping away race-conscious admission policies that overwhelmingly help BIPOC students create a better future for themselves. California already ended affirmative action 30 years ago, and the results have been devastating. Black, Latinx, and Native comprise a smaller percentage of law and medical schools than in the 1990s. Our panelists will discuss the possible outcomes of Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard, and offer potential solutions to ensure higher education is accessible to BIPOC students.

Next Gen Awards, BIPOC, Gender Rights, scholarship reception

Next Gen Awards 2022: The Future of Roe

Fireside chat with professor and podcaster Melissa Murray.

Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Career

Public Speaking 101

Do you have a goal to become a better public speaker? Or maybe you want more practice to strengthen your storytelling skills?

Hella Healing

Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Mental Health, Own Your Power

Hella Healing: How to heal from burn out

Do you find yourself feeling burned out and not knowing what to do about it?

Values and Vision

Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Power

Hella Values & Vision: How to show up as yourself

To show up as yourself, you need to examine your personal values and align them with the commitments your organization has made to racial and social justice. When internal or personal values and external commitments are out of alignment, mission statements, culture codes, and corporate values become meaningless.

Interviewing 101

Leaders Forum, Leaders Forum 2022

Interviewing 101: How to get the job

Do job interviews trigger your anxiety?


Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Power

Hella Courageous Conversation: How to confront micro aggressions

This workshop will introduce different frameworks for having courageous/difficult conversations in addition to the process for giving and receiving feedback to ensure we are centering the lived experiences of the most intentionally ignored, and not white comfort.

Imposter Syndrome

Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Power

Imposter Syndrome Hella Sucks

70% of the general population struggles with Imposter Syndrome, the feeling that one is not cut out, combined with a fear of being discovered as a fraud.

radical inclusion

Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Power

Hella Radical Inclusion: How to fix broken, racist systems

This workshop will focus on building humanity and recognizing privilege within yourself and your organization so Black and non-Black stakeholders of color can thrive.


Leaders Forum, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Career

Networking 101: How to build your network

Does networking trigger your anxiety?

Show up for racial justice

Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Leaders Forum 2022, Own Your Power

How to show up for racial justice

In this introductory course of the Own Your Power Track, you will be introduced to the women of Hella Social Impact—a Black and non-Black women of color owned consultancy that helps people and organizations show up for racial justice. You will be introduced to their Notice. Name. Dismantle. Framework.

Next Gen Awards, BIPOC, scholarship reception

Next Gen Awards 2021

Fireside chat with Attorney General Rob Bonta + Supervisor Hillary Ronen

Supreme Court Washington DC USA

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, Own Your Career

Can a Social Justice Lawyer Like Me Become a Judge?

This webinar will provide an overview of the latest demographics on judicial diversity in California as well as review some of the efforts underway to support attorneys historically underrepresented on the bench in their judicial application process.

Community Conversations, BIPOC, Gender Rights, LGBTQ+

Queer & Undocumented

So you want to show up for LGBTQ+ immigrants?

Rainbow coloured crosswalk for Pride Month on Church street in Toronto

Community Conversations, BIPOC, Gender Rights, LGBTQ+

Queer & BIPOC

How was the AIDS pandemic used to stigmatize LGBTQ+ BIPOC folks and immigrants?

A transgender flag being waved at LGBT gay pride march

Community Conversations, BIPOC, Gender Rights, LGBTQ+, Mental Health

Dismantling Transphobia

This workshop will help you understand how transphobic microaggressions show up in workplaces, and what your company, team, and individual colleagues can do to unlearn these biases and become true allies.

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, Mental Health, prosecutors

Decarceration for All

Why should folks convicted of violent crimes come home?

Next Gen Awards, BIPOC, scholarship reception

Next Gen Awards 2021: Women of Color with institutional power

Fireside chat between two women of color lawyers working inside--and bringing change to--institutions of power in both government and philanthropy.

Race and parole

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, Mental Health, prosecutors

Race as a Proxy for Risk

Why are Black people nearly 3 times less likely to be granted parole on average?

Dismantle Mass Incarceration

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, Mental Health, prosecutors

How to Dismantle Mass Incarceration

How has intergenerational trauma contributed to the mass incarceration of BIPOC people? How can healing be used to dismantle the criminal punishment system?

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, prosecutors

Prosecutors 101

What role have prosecutors played in mass incarceration and what role should they play today?

Community Conversations, BIPOC, prosecutors

From Slavery to Mass Incarceration

Why are so many of our people under some form of correctional control?

Black Lives Matter

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, prosecutors

Prosecutors for Black Lives

In the age of Black Lives Matter, how can prosecutors show up for Black, Indegenous, and People of Color?


Leaders Forum, Mental Health

Self Care + Healing 101

Sometimes, we get so caught up with work and activism that we forget to listen to the stress signs from our bodies.

Next Gen Awards, BIPOC, prosecutors, scholarship reception

Next Gen Awards 2020

Featuring Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the first Black woman US Attorney General appointed by President Barack Obama in 2015.

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, Own Your Career

Courts & Law Clerks 101

What can law clerks do to help dismantle systemic inequities in our courtrooms?

radical inclusion

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, prosecutors

The Fight for Freedom: How to liberate wrongfully convicted people

How do you liberate a man who’s spent nearly 20 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit? Recently featured in the new Netflix series, the Innocence Files, Franky Carrillo was exonerated with the help of a team of lawyers, judges, and activists.

Black Lives Matter

Community Conversations, BIPOC, judges, prosecutors

We Keep Us Safe

How can we reimagine safety in the age of aggressive policing and mass incarceration?


Leaders Forum, BIPOC, Own Your Career

Build Your Power: Brand Protection for Social Impact

Many first generation and people of color have ideas to advance social justice based on their lived experiences. But where do you begin this process and how do you protect your intellectual property?

eric chaser

Leaders Forum, Own Your Career

Introduction to Public Speaking

Julia Wilson, a social justice lawyer and leadership coach with over 20 years of experience as a public speaker and storyteller, will help you learn how to claim public speaking space.

Financial Statements

Leaders Forum, Own Your Career

Financial Planning 101

What unique challenges do people of color, Queer folks, Womxn, and others face in building and protecting our assets and securing our future?

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