
We promise to keep telling the stories of legal changemakers fighting for our shared humanity.

Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-N.Y.) presents her views in Washington on June 24, 1972, credit James Palmer:AP


Wednesday July 24, 2024

  • The Black women who paved the way
  • Police killed Sonya Massey in her own home
  • Here’s what Project 2025 wants to do to the Justice Department
  • How mindfulness can help lawyers manage stress + reduce bias


Illustration of a judges robe with a tree, credit Pro Publica


Wednesday July 17, 2024

  • LA wants to give free lawyers to evicted tenants
  • Universities are ending millions in scholarships for BIPOC students
  • Project 2025 is taking cues from SCOTUS’ worst decisions
  • Why do so many judges fail to recuse themselves when they have conflicts?
Justice Sotomayor dissent last paragraph


Wednesday July 10, 2024

  • “With fear for our democracy, I dissent”
  • Our best hope for an out of control Supreme Court
  • Legal conservatives’ long game is powerful president and weak agencies
  • Introduction to Project Management for lawyers
  • SCOTUS roundup podcast
Gay rights activists in from of the Supreme court building, credit Bill Clark : Getty


Wednesday June 26, 2024

  • How to manage second-hand trauma
  • Lawyers + activists have a plan to restore and expand abortion rights
  • Beware of the growing legal movement to roll back gay rights
  • The case for reparations in undeniable
A polaroid photo of Sheryll Cashin with Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Courtesy of Sheryll Cashin


Wednesday June 12, 2024

  • Rolling back diversity programs is pure cowardice
  • The lawyers who decimated affirmative action are coming for racial justice next
  • Thurgood Marshall was my mentor. He would be furious with today’s Court.
  • Religious right no longer hiding what they are doing to the Courts
Avroh, left, Maya and Maryam were among the 18 California children suing the U.S. government over climate change, credit Dania Maxwell : Los Angeles Times)


Wednesday May 29, 2024

  • Kids suing the government over climate change aren’t giving up
  • The secretive legal network that took down Roe v Wade
  • On the 70th anniversary of Brown v Board, Justice Thomas says it was a bad decision
  • Federal Judge has some advice for SCOTUS Justices
Tommy Eugene Lewis III, Zaydee Sanchez for KQED


Wednesday May 22, 2024

  • 10 years later, Prop. 47 has given formerly incarcerated Californians a second chance
  • The legal movement to make pregnant women second class citizens
  • The 9 worst court decisions since Trump remade the judiciary
  • Originalist judges keep getting history wrong