Sabrina Medler

UCLA School of Law

Tom Homann LGBTQ+ Law Foundation



Sabrina Medler’s mission is to ensure that all individuals – including those who are often excluded from legal representation – do not face barriers to enjoying basic rights. She is particularly interested in fighting for civil rights and holding entities, such as schools, workplaces, and government, responsible for turning a blind eye to widespread infringement of individuals’ rights. During law school, she has pursued direct legal services for low-income domestic violence survivors at the Jenesse Center; impact litigation and policy advocacy at the ACLU SoCal’s LGBTQ, Gender, and Reproductive Justice Project; worker collective action through UNITE HERE Local 11 and Strippers United; civil litigation on behalf of child and adult survivors of sex abuse, discrimination, and harassment at the plaintiff firms Allred, Maroko, & Goldberg and Haeggquist & Eck; and government representation of low-income workers at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She has volunteered through UCLA’s El Centro Clinics, assisting individuals with legal gender- and name-change processes and preparing VAWA and U-VISA petitions for immigrants who’ve survived domestic abuse and crimes. Sabrina is a 3L at UCLA School of Law.

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